In the heart of Gold Country, we are pet friendly & have ample space to rest in between shifts or digging for that big golden nugget.
About Clermont Caravan Park
Clermont is located in the Isaac Region on the gentle slopes above Sandy Creek and Hoods Lagoon. The town is 106 km north of Emerald on the Gregory Highway and 760 km north of Brisbane. Clermont is a major hub for the large coal and gold mines in the region as well as serving agricultural holdings.
The park is surrounded by fascinating natural beauty and there are numerous activities and places of interest within close proximity. Clermont is surrounded by designated gold fossicking areas so why not try your luck?
With a wealth of local knowledge, our friendly staff will be more than happy to provide information on attractions in the area.
Helpful links:

The Murals
Possibly the most impressive murals in Australia, the quartet of railway carriages painted by Glen Gillard in 1999 and repainted in 2010 are clever illustrations of the activities which have made Clermont prosperous.
Hood's Lagoon and the Pioneer & Centenary Park
Hood's Lagoon and Pioneer and Centenary Park are located between Drummond Street and Lime Street. The first town of Clermont was established on the northern banks of the Hood's Lagoon in 1862.
You can walk around the lagoon. The distance is 1.8 km along which there are a series of memorials, monuments and sculptures depicting Mary McKillop, Billy Sing, the northern Hairy-nosed Wombat and the pioneers of the district.
Clermont Historical Centre
Located near the junction of the Gregory and Peak Downs highways, about 2 km north of the town centre, is the new Clermont Historical Centre which enhances the town's original museum with themed exhibitions focusing on local identities including Trooper Billy Sing the Gallipoli sniper and Rose Harris who was one of the local heroines of the 1916 Great Flood.

There is definitely gold in them there hills!!
Prospecting is alive & well in Clermont. Have a chat to the team in the office or around the park. We may not be able to tell you the exact location (or this weeks lotto numbers) but we sure will fill you in on anything we know.